Anorectal Physiology

What are Anorectal Physiology studies?

These tests are done to check the nerves and muscles at the very end of the bowel. There is no preparation required for these tests. These tests are not painful and will not take longer than 45mins.

Anal Manometry

A very soft tube (manometry catheter) is put inside the anus and the pressures of the sphincter muscles are measured. You will be asked to squeeze your bottom and then asked to cough. The pressures will be measured on a computer.

Pudendal Nerve

The pudendal nerve is a nerve that runs down the left and right side of the rectum. It sends messages down to help control the sphincter muscles and assist with bowel control and bowel emptying. A probe is put into your anus and a small stimulation is turned on. You will be asked when you feel a small pulsing sensation and when it stops. This will be repeated three times. The probe is then moved up and a measurement is taken from the computer that gives a measurement on how fast the nerve is sending the signal to the muscle.

Anal Ultrasound

The ultrasound takes an image of the sphincter muscles and surrounding area. An ultrasound transducer, which is a little thicker than a finger, is passed into the anus and images are taken.

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Our goal at Sydney Colorectal Associates is to deliver prompt access to appointments, diagnostic services and procedures that are tailored to your requirements.